Free advertising for independent escorts
You may advertise for free, so long as you comply to the following requirements.
- Independent Escort working permanently based in Scotland. (OK you might tour other locations)
- You have your own website with a unique domain name.
- You have placed a banner link on your site to Tartan Ladies.
Escorts with a website
If you are an escort permanently based in Scotland, get yourself listed. Send us the following.
- A good, clear portrait style picture so you make a good impression.
- Your web site link, therefore, your site will be advertised.
- The area you want to list in (one area for free listings)
Send the details to only AFTER placing a link to us on the home page or first page of your web site. A selection of banners you can use is at the bottom of this page.
We will only list you once you are linking correctly to us. You must maintain your link to us for as long as you want to advertise here. It may take up to a week before you are listed. If we don’t list you, you will receive an email.
Websites and Photography
Do you need a website created for you? Then consider Select Website Design. We create unique websites to your specification at a very reasonable price Click Escort Websites for more information.
Once you have a website, you can advertise on Tartanladies for free, and also advertise on many other escort sites for free.
Featured Listing, listing in multiple areas, touring escorts
If you’re new to escorting in Scotland, touring Scotland, or want to be listed in multiple areas, or just want to give yourself an extra boost, consider becoming one of our featured escorts. A featured escort is listed on the front page, and you can list in multiple areas, and advertise your tours. To advertise your tours, email me the tour dates. I will update them a couple of times a month.
Escorts without a website can advertise on Tartanladies by taking a featured listing.
Prices for featured advertisement
1 Month £20
3 Months £40
1 Year £100
Please email me at to set up your feature and arrange payment. An invoice for your tax returns will always be provided. Please also let me know which areas you require listing in.
Premium Listings
Premium Listings have all the benefit of Featured Listings. There will not be more than two Premium listings listed. Premium Listings appear before the Featured listings. Premium listings cost £50 per month.
Listings for Adultwork Members
Adultwork Members with a profile located in Scotland, who are female, verified and have allowed their profile to be shown on third party sites are automatically listed with a small advertisement. This is the smaller sized advertisement at the bottom of the page. Up to 100 escorts are shown.
Adultwork members can take the opportunity to take a featured escort profile which will be listed in multiple areas (please tell me which areas), and will be listed amongst the featured escorts. There is a charge for a featured listing. See above.
No website
Click here for details on having your own web site for just £100, and then £40 per year afterwards, which as well as allowing you to list free on will also allow you to advertise on many other escort directories. If you still don’t want a website, then I will list you as a featured escort. Please see featured escort listings.
Link exchanges, Scottish Escort Agencies, massage parlours and other directories.
If you are an agency employing escorts in Scotland, then please email me for an escort agency listing. Escort agency listings are available for a one time charge of £50. No link back is required from your site. This link will be a no-follow link.
Please email me at to set up your feature and arrange payment. A receipt for your expenses can always be provided.
Our Banners
Please choose one of the following banners for your web site, and direct it to
Or if you prefer, a highlighted/ bold text link (front page links only) stating Directory of Escorts in Scotland is just as good!
NB. Please DO NOT resize the banners- the words become unintelligible. Please choose a different banner instead!

Large Banner Link Code
<a href="" alt="Scottish Escort Directory"><img src="" title="Directory of Escorts in Scotland"></a>

Medium Banner Link Code
<a href="" alt="Scottish Escort Directory"><img src="" title="Directory of Escorts in Scotland"></a>

Small Banner Link Code
<a href="" alt="Scottish Escort Directory"><img src="" title="Directory of Escorts in Scotland"></a>

Square Banner Link Code
<a href="" alt="Scottish Escort Directory"><img src="" title="Directory of Escorts in Scotland"></a>